Wednesday, September 16, 2015


             There is only one planet in the universe capable to sustain life. The earth is the only planet with life. The human kind is the specie who’s ruling and destroying the planet. The pollution of the planet is one of the biggest problems that the human kind is facing. Pollution is the process of making the environment dirty or non-suitable. Big cities have the bigger and worst problem of pollution because they have a big concentration of people. The biggest problem is that people don’t realize that this is the only planet with life in the universe that the human knows, and we are making it non suitable for life. Water pollution, overpopulation, and the use of car are the causes of pollution.

            Water pollution is a cause of pollution because we are making the water non suitable to use. People contaminate water when they are taking showers because people uses different kind of products like conditioner, shampoo, and a lot of different products to make the hair and body clean and beautiful, but in exchange we are contaminating the water. A solution will be that people start to think in the environment first, and don’t contaminate the water with those products. Fabrics contaminate the water too. They throw waste and trash to the rivers, and lakes making the water unclean. We have to start thinking that water is very important to us and the water can’t be renew.

Picture of my sister's shampoo

           Overpopulation is another cause of pollution. The population is getting bigger every year, and will continue rising. In fact with the overpopulation people needs to produce more supplies as an effect we are wasting our natural resources so fast. In fact people need more services such as electricity, and clean water. A solution for this problem could be a decrease of child born. The use of solar energy to produce electricity is a good solution, and many cities in the world are starting to implement this way of produce electricity.
Picture of my city

                      The last cause of pollution is the use of a car. Every time that we use a car. We are contaminating the atmosphere because the car engine produce a gas that make the air non suitable to the humans, and to those who consume oxygen to live. In the cities people use the car to everywhere, and the produce of carbon dioxide every time is bigger. The pollution is not only problem that the use of car produce. When we use a car we are wasting natural resources such an oil, gasoline, and water. A reasonable solution must be that in order to use a car to travel thru the city people must walk. The use of the bicycle is important too because we ca travel faster than walking and at the same time we are doing exercise. Lastly the use of public transport may help to decrease the pollution.

              People have to act fast, and make a solution in order to prevent pollution. That’s why before you use your car, waste our natural resources and procreate a lot of family think that this planet will be for the next generation, and if we destroyed won’t be future to the next generation.   


  1. Osvaldo, it's wonderful to see how much you care about this issue, which is one that I think many people have grown cynical about, feeling that there is nothing that they personally can do about it. You really show us that each individual can make choices that can add up to a big impact when spread over the large population. I particularly like your suggestion about thinking of ways to cut down on our use of cars. Unfortunately, we are very car-centric here in Georgia, and in many places there are not safe paths for bike-riding or walking, and public transportation options are very limited. I see some good news, however, in that this is starting to change in some places as awareness for the benefits for alternative forms of transportation grows. Hopefully, we'll see more and more people getting out on bicycles, buses, and trains!

  2. Hi, Osvaldo. Your blog background is just like mine, but your blog is more responsible. I will try not to make more ecological footprint. Thank you for reminding.

  3. Yes Osvaldo, all that information is true and for me the environment is very important so I will be very specific at the time to buy my shampoo or any other product.

  4. Hi Osvaldo,
    Pollution concerns of most people. Thanks you showed causes and effects. I think protecting environment is needed to everyone. Your post is interesting.

  5. Hi Osvaldo, your blog is very helpful.
    If we want, we can protect our planet together.

  6. Hi Osvaldo.
    It is really sad that our actions contribute to pollution. We need to create awareness for a change to help improve our environment.

  7. Pollution is something that we should all try not to create however, everyday we fail and ruin our beautiful earth. Thank you for sharing this information and I really like your topic.

  8. Pollution is a big problem that we all have responsibility. But small act can make a change. We should better to do something to protect our planet. Thanks for sharing, Osvaldo.

  9. that is really serious topic. lets go through this topic and save the world

  10. This is incredibly shocking. I totally didn't know how much i have been contaminating the water by taking a shower. Thanks to this i am going to reduce my shower time and also chemicals.
